Reviews and product comparisons

Next is a magazine that offers reviews, rankings and product comparisons on hundreds of everyday use items. Our team of writers compares, writes and advises on products ranging from computers to home appliances including DIY, sports or cars. Every 24 hours, our team invite you to discover a new file! When buying an item, we always ask ourselves a dozens of legitimate questions. Being part of basic human nature, we want to get the best at the best priceIt is not always easy to choose between a particular product. Our reviews and comparatives are here to advise and to help you for your purchase.

You do not know which robot vacuum cleaner to choose ? Which oil-less fryer to order ? How to choose the electric brushcutter suitable for the garden? Are you looking for a device to straighten your hair? What are the best sound bars to be equipped like in cinemas ? You do not know how to eradicate bed bugs at home? The editor answers all of your questions and offers you his opinion and selection. Each files includes tips, practical information and criteria selection for comparison, a top 3, pros/cons and comparison charts. Our files are not exhaustive and we have made the choice to select few products only from the best current sales. Do not hesitate to submit a product if you do not find what you are looking for.